<script>on MouseDownput cd fld "Categories" of cd 1 into menuget HPopupMenu(Menu,checkedItem,bottom of me-1, left of me+1)if it is not 0 thenput (item 1 of line (item 1 of it) of menu) &" - "&¬item (item 2 of it) of line (item 1 of it) of menu into fld "Category"end ifend MouseDown</script>
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<script>on mouseDownput cd fld "Frequency" of cd 1 into theListput PopUpMenu(theList,lineOffset(fld "Frequency",theList),top of cd window + bottom of me - 1,¬left of cd window + left of the target + 1) into newLineif newLine = 0 then exit mouseDownput line newLine of theList into fld "Frequency"end mouseDown</script>
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<script>on mouseUpgo bg "Bugs"domenu "new Card"end mouseUp</script>
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<name>Menu Card</name>
<script>on mouseUpgo cd 1end mouseUp</script>
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<name>Back to Work</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal gBugLastIDset lockmessages to truego gBugLastIDput "" into gBugLastIDif cantModify of this stack then send openCard to this cdend mouseUp</script>
<script>on clearcdslockMsgsrepeat with n = 2 to the number of cds in this bgset cursor to busygo cd 2 of this bgdomenu delete cardend repeatend clearcdson domenu menuItemif menuItem = "New Card" thenif number of cds of this bg = 1 and fld "Category" = "" thennewCardexit domenuend ifend ifpass domenuend domenufunction LineOffset findText,findInif findText is not in findIn then return 0put return & findIn & return into findInreturn number of lines of (char 1 to offset(Return&findText&Return,¬findIn) of findIn)end LineOffseton newCardlock screenput "???" into fld "Category"put "Open" into fld "Status"put "???" into fld "Effect"put "???" into fld "Frequency"put cd fld "User" of cd 1 into userput user into fld "User"put cd fld "Bug Number" of cd 1 into bugNumadd 1 to cd fld "Bug Number" of cd 1repeat until length of cd fld "Bug Number" of cd 1 ≥ 3put 0 before cd fld "Bug Number" of cd 1end repeatput (char 1 of word 1 of User) & (char 1 of word 2 of user) & bugNum into fld "Bug Number"unlock screen with dissolve very fastend newCardon clearrepeat with z = 1 to number of fldsput "" into fld zend repeatend clear</script>